Friday, October 28, 2005

stalking - the new american passtime

i was reading cosmo last night. really, i don't enjoy it much anymore as i don't need much advice on finding men or being single, but i still have the subscription and it's better than financial accounting. when i got to the middle of the magazine (the second half is an upside down special version on what i can only imagine is "men"), there was a story about dating co-workers. well, that seemed interesting to me, as i myself have dated a co-worker on two occasions. it was interesting until i got to point number seven or so. they suggested, after exhausting all of your other resources to find out everything you can about the cute co-worker, that you should go online and purchase a background check. the suggested website charged upwards of $125. apparently regular stalking isn't good enough anymore. now you have to spend $125 to find the love of your life. i'm still not sure why you can't just go strike up a conversation with the guy.....


Megs said...

Where I work, they post all the associates' pictures on our intranet database. As long as you have a first or last name, you can access anyone's picture, name, and work-related information (such as building, cube location, phone number, year started, etc). We call it "StalkerNet".

On the flip side, supposedly there's a way that you can access the name of all the people that have looked you up and the number of times that they have done it. If any of my hot engineers do that, I am so screwed.

erin elizabeth king said...

i met a nice guy from london last weekend. then after well maybe a slight drunken suck-face-fest, i got seven emails from a korean girl in one day explaining why i should stay away from him, complete with snippits from emails he sent to other girls and emails from those girls. i don't know who this korean stalker girl is. i don't know how she knows me and how she knows that i know charlie and how she knows my email address. it was really really weird. maybe i owe her $125??