Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ok, I admit it, I don't make decisions on my own....

Alright, so Daniel was right - I don't make my own decisions. I was sitting around today, surfing the internet in a futile attempt to avoid cleaning my increasingly disgusting apartment like a "good wife" (ha ha ha!), when I realized that nearly all of my currier/stanley buddies have blogs. So, in true Kate fashion, I caved. Now I have a blog. I figure if they think it's a good idea, I should probably get on board too! Maybe it's better if I don't make my own decisions - honesly, should I be trusted with major life decisions. I bet Gwen and Michael would both give an enthusiastic no to that. So really, I'm just doing the world a favor. Or something like that.....

1 comment:

erin elizabeth king said...

yay! welcome to geek land! let the parties begin! (snort!)