Monday, April 18, 2011


Pregnancy: 37 weeks

Weight Gain: i don't want to talk about it...

Sleep: a few nights i was awake for a good long time because of reflux. ouch. other than that and some pretty sore hips, not too shabby.

Gender: Girl!!!

Name: she has a name, which everyone will learn on may 2nd. :)

Feeling: relief! i finally get to see what being full term feels like. as it turns out, it hurts.

Cravings: raspberry sundaes from culvers

Health: being full term is playing games with my OCD. i have NO IDEA what going into labor feels like and therefore i'm always wondering if what i feel is normal. as it turns out, one of my *favorite* OCD quirks is that i can make myself feel pretty much any symptom. pain in the upper right quad? well, now that you mention it, i did feel a twinge last tuesday. so that's been fun. i can only imagine the fun my doctor and i will have together in the next 14 days. thank goodness he's understanding and patient.

Movement: lots and lots!

Belly: imagine a whale that walks like a penguin. yep, that's about it.

Next Appointment: tomorrow at 37w1d.

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