Sunday, July 29, 2007

like father like daughter

so mike and i went to the grocery store today. you know those completely oblivious people at the grocery store that wander around in the middle of the aisle while talking on the phone and paying no attention to their children, who are running amuck? well, as we were trying to navigate the very crowded store (we try not to go on weekends) to buy our 2 items, we ended up stuck behind a man and his two children. his two children were playing with cell phones and therefore were unable to watch where they were going and walk at a normal pace. and of course they were in the middle of the aisle. the funny thing was, the cell phones were toys, not even working devices that could possibly be bearing news that is so important that it would warrant holding up a whole line of people. inconsiderate cell phone people are bad enough, now a whole new generation of inconsiderate cell phone toy children to grow up and replace their parents!
didn't mr. T recently have a show where he found people that were being stupid in public and called them out on it? i can't imagine how that show got cancelled. what a brilliant idea.

1 comment:

Megs said...

you should have run them over with your cart. survival of the fittest, right? ;-)